Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question Is your money that good Will it buy you forgiveness Do you think that it could I think you will find When your death takes its toll All the money you made Will never buy back your soul And I hope that you die And your death'll come soon I will follow your casket In the pale afternoon And I'll watch while you're lowered Down to your deathbed And I'll stand o'er your grave 'Til I'm sure that you're dead ![]() | ||
Copyright © 1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music; Bob Dylan | ||
Just a note: This song isn't hateful. The people that Dylan wrote it about and the people to whom it still applies to, they are hateful. And i think it's foolish that some people still blindly support Bush even though he has made himself look fool time and time again. I think the people who still support him are hateful because they still find ways to justify his actions.
I'm assuming these lyrics are in honor of the concert we went to on Sunday. As you probably know Dylan's "God's of War" was played by Ben Haper and Tom Morello (Whom both are immensely talented musically).
I really didn't want to open up a can of worms here, but apparently you already whipped out the can opener.
I just want you to know that Beth and I don't "Blindly support Bush" or any war, but thanks for letting us know you think we're "hateful"
I just want to apologize for my last post. I was writing on emotion and do apologize.
We may not agree on all political issues, but that's ok (it's part of what makes this country great). I don't want any issues to get in the way of our friendship.
I also want you to know that I sincerely love you guys.
I wasn't saying that you do blindly support Bush Pat but i was trying to make a point because i have seen many who do. I have never thought that you or Beth were hateful in any way and you guys have always shown us nothing but love. I just thought that calling Dylan's song hateful was inacurate and i definatly wasn't trying to start a fight. Come'on, if you can argue with Nate all the time how come when i say something, that doesn't apply to you, you get your feathers ruffled. It's all about discussion Mr. Angry Man.
I'm Mr. Angry Man!!! Get out of my Way... They call me El Nino which is Spanish for... uh... The Nino!
Seriously I was never upset about the issue and always knew how you felt. I just didn't want to anger you.
I think the song is hateful because of the final lyrics: "I'll stand on your grave to make sure you're dead!" repeated over and over.
I don't care who you're talking about if you truly feel this way then it is hateful because you want someone dead... It doesn't necessarily mean you are a hateful person and I can totally understand why you would want some one to lose their power (ie: be impeached or lose an election), but to wish them dead is hateful (no matter how evil they may be). Even if the feeling is justified (ie: Hilter, Bin Laden, or as you may say Bush) it still is a result of hate of that person.
You better not argue with that or I'll open up another can and it won't be worms this time... it'll be a 50 gallon drum of WhoopAss.
Okay I just have to interject here that 10s of thousands of people have been killed in the "War on Terror", American Soldiers, and Iraqis; including civilians, many of whom were children. So I have to say if we are comparing hatefulness (okay, I know it's not a real word) that seems slightly worse. Also the Bush regime DOES wish for the deaths of bin Laden, et al. I don't know if you saw the footage of Saddamn's execution, but I was ASHAMED that we had vicariously done that to him, it brought us down to his level.
I am don't want to argue with you, but I have to say that some song lyrics, which were most likely written metaphorically, don't even come close to the evil that has been perpetrated in the "War on Terror". I think it is unfortunate that you choose to focus only on those word instead of the overall message of the song, which is sadly just as true today as it was when it was written.
That being said, I actually posted the original post because I thought it was funny that you didn't recognize "Masters of War"! When Nate told me that I was like "where has he been?" I bet your parents know it!!
Dudes and Dudettes-
When Nate told me this was a Bob Dylan song a light bulb went off in my head and I recongnized it. (I knew it sounded familiar when we were at the concert, but couldn't place it) I had only heard the Dylan version a few times.
All I'm saying is that wanting someone dead is hateful. In my mind this point cannot be argued. Even if the hate is "justified" by evil deeds that the hated has committed.
Just in a side note: Well over 10s of thousands of people were murdered by the Saddam Hussein regime. I'm not justifying the war by saying this, but the Iraqi's were extremely restricted and persecuted over those years.
So how is killing Saddam "Stooping down to his level", but wanting Bush dead justified?
The lyrics may not equal the "evils of the war on terror," but the evils of the war on terror do not come close to the evils that were performed by Hussein before the war.
I understand the overall message of the song, but there are times when war is justified and unavoidable. This war perhaps may not have been at that state when we entered it, but given the instability of the Middle East it probably would have not been too far off.
Okay, obviously you didn't see the footage of the execution...I KNOW Saddamn has killed thousands but so have a lot of other dictators, including some who are in power now, but all I'm saying is that starting a war over oil money and a family vendetta and then selling it to the American people as a "War on Terror" with the non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" is really just insanely wrong.
Really all I am saying is that if you want to argue "hateful" the Bush regime is about as "hateful" as you can get if your definition is wanting people dead. The other is a song lyric. No one actually died.
And you can say again that Saddamn killed many, many people, but he isn't my president and I don't want to stoop to his level.
ANYWAY, I really, really don't want to argue this with you. I have had enough of talking to Nancy (Slagle, not my mom) about this, she makes me sad. "Peace through bigger firearms" is her motto.
I wish Bush would drop an A-bomb on my lawn so I wouldn't have to mow it anymore.
I'm not arguing... I have never lost my cool, and truthfully I hate confrontation (it's the middle child in me), so I'm cool with it.
All of a sudden I feel like I need to hug a tree anyway.
My new rapper name pronounced Pea-Low... in honor of Britney's Ex)
I like P-Llo, but I think P-Llod (pronounced Pee-Load) is better. Now Beth just has to divorce you, start leaving the kids at home to party and flash her lady parts all over town.
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